Pin Green Scout Group takes the issue of privacy very seriously and is committed to protecting and respecting our users’ privacy online. This Privacy Notice sets out our current data processing practices. If you have any queries or concerns regarding these practices, you should contact us using our contact form.
This notice has been reviewed to be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations and will be updated from time to time when required.
The information we collect
We collect personal information necessary for membership of the Scout Group. This will usually be name, gender, date of birth of the young person and names and addresses contact details of parents(s)/guardian(s), contact details for parents and health details for the young person which may be necessary to keep them safe whilst carrying out activities with the Group. In addition, we will take photographs and short videos of the young people taking part in Scouting activities in order to show our members what activities are taking place and in what environment. These will also be used to provide information on activities for potential future members and their young people.
We also collect some information for statistical purposes such as ethnicity and additional needs.
The only circumstances in which we will provide any of your personal data to a third party are those contained in this Privacy Notice. We will not provide your or the young person’s details to any third party for commercial purposes without your explicit consent.
We will collect personal data and provide it to third parties if that is necessary for them to be able to provide activities for our members. We also provide it to third parties that we have contracts with as part of the normal administration of the Scout Group.
The information is collected to meet the legitimate interests of the provider and the Scout Group to provide activities you have chosen to take part in and allow your child/ward to take part in.
We also collect similar personal information about the people who help us run the activities, leaders, assistants, executive members and occasional helpers to ensure we have their correct contacts and are able to fulfil our safeguarding requirements.
What information do we store?
Personal information collected on our website, on-line system, from emails and from paper records may be held in electronic and paper-based systems.
Electronic records are held within password protected systems.
Photographs and videos to provide information to our members and potential members may be available on our website and shared on social media.
Additionally, we store the IP address and session date/times of website visitors.
Why do we collect this information and what do we do with it?
Personal details are held for a number of reasons:
- Waiting list / New members – to facilitate recruitment and placement of prospective members within Scouting and to enable us to contact prospective members and/or parents/carers to manage the placement into Scouting
- Youth member details – to contact members, parents and carers with regard to programme, events, activities, camps, fund raising, news and other similar Scouting reasons
- Pictures and video of young people taking part in activities to inform our members and potential future members
- Parent / Carer details – We may contact you for your assistance in facilitating local Scouting, fund raising and with information that we believe may be of interest to you or your child
- Adult member details – To provide your details to local and national Scouting bodies to manage your membership within The Scout Association
- Adult appointments process
- DBS Disclosure check
- Adult training
- Management of local Scouting.
We may process your personal information for the legitimate interests of you or your child/ward or the Scout Group and we may process your personal information for other purposes with your consent and that of the young person (if they are over 13).
Who do we share your information with?
We do not share details with any non-Scouting third parties apart from those we contract or make arrangements with to provide Scouting activities when they need information to be able to provide those activities and those third parties that we have contracts with as part of the normal administration of the Scout Group.
We may share data supplied by you (or collected about you) with other parts of The Scout Association e.g. with Scout Association’s head office, within the Scout Area, Region, County, District or with other Scout Groups.
We reserve the right to communicate a Member’s personal information we hold to third parties who are empowered to require it by regulation, statute or order of a court.
How long do we hold your information?
Future, current and ex-member details, along with their parent’s/carer’s details will be held until after they have left Scouting.
Details of ex-youth members may be anonymised. Adult member details will be deleted or anonymised locally but may be held by The Scout Association for legal purposes. Other details will be deleted within two years of them leaving Scouting.
How can I access the information you hold about me?
Individuals have the right to view their details held by the Scout Group and The Scout Association, have them rectified or withdraw their consent for their details to be held or processed where consent is required.
Please use the contact form on our website to request data access, review, deletion or withdrawal of your consent (where applicable) for the Scout Group to store/process your details. You may also contact The Scout Association or other parts of the Scout Movement.
Complaints may be made to the ICO where an individual is dissatisfied with this process.